As we face the challenges of life on a daily basis, many a time we hear Christians make positive pronouncements that are supposedly based on their faith. This is particularly so, when they are facing trying times. However, I am often lost when I hear some as I struggle to make sense out of them. To put things in perspective, I will cite a few examples here and the reasons for my confusion.
John is a devout member of the church and so is Joy. John is handsome, rich and educated – the typical “every woman’s dream”. Joy is homely, beautiful and educated as well. No man could have wished for more. Now, John goes to the pastor to indicate his interest in taking Joy as his wife. Pastor calls Joy and discloses John’s intentions and asks both of them to go and pray about it to be sure that each is God’s will for the other. After the prayers, John, Joy and even the pastor agree that God has spoken to them that they were made in heaven. The church then asks them to go for series of tests to confirm genotype, HIV status, etc. After this, if all is okay, the wedding holds and we have a new Mr. and Mrs. otherwise, it is called off.
Now, the question is – which God spoke to them? God is omnipotent and omniscient. This means he can bring to pass whatever he chooses and knows all things. If this is so, is going for tests after hearing directly from God not outright stupidity and undermining his omnipotence? Do you question God? It is my thinking that if God really speaks to you, as a Christian, you will obey like Abraham, even if it means sacrificing your only child, marrying a mad person or a prostitute like Hosea. Your faith should make you believe that he will change the situation for the better, bearing in mind that “God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” 1Corinthians 10:13. The bible also says “he who finds a wife, finds a good thing ………” and not he who God has found a wife for….
It is even funny when you review some divorces that have taken place in recent times, only to find out that some of the people involved were “spoken to” by God in the beginning. Since divorce is generally not perceived to be good, does going for a divorce years or months later, after being spoken to by God to marry someone not contravene what the bible said about good gifts? Every good and perfect gift comes from God. Divorce means something is “bad” somewhere. Did God give them bad gifts?
Again, Simon is a devout Christian. By simple chance, he found himself in some place where he was exposed to bad water. He fell ill and instead of going to see a doctor, decided to start praying and probably fasting. This is probably due to his belief that every physical affliction is a manifestation of the spiritual machinations of demons. He collapsed after a week of neither taking proper treatment nor getting better. He was rushed to the hospital, where he was diagnosed to be suffering from typhoid. He was promptly treated and in a few days, he was back on his feet, hale and hearty.
It is obvious that Simon could have easily lost his life as a result of his carelessness in the exercise of his faith. Now, if all our ailments are caused by demons, how come non-Christians fall ill, go to the clinic, take drugs and get well? Does it mean the drugs are anti-demonic? Does it mean our pharmacists and doctors produce and administer anti-demonic drugs? Does it mean there are chemicals that kill demons?
I also recall a schoolmate who married his girl just after we left the University. They had dated virtually all through school and it was the reasonable thing to do judging by the fact that they genuinely loved each other. Now, no sooner were they married than she took in – praise God! However, during one of the routine checkups, it was discovered that she had a serious case of fibroid. Their doctor advised that she goes for a surgery immediately but it will also mean termination of the pregnancy. The doctor gave the advice believing her life to be in danger if she allowed the pregnancy to grow without having the surgery. They decided to get another doctor’s opinion. The girl’s parents took her to their family doctor, who after series of tests gave the same verdict. I can’t remember whether they saw a third doctor but the guy said he had faith that his wife would be fine. He insisted they were not going for the surgery despite pleas from her family. He was proved right as the wife did not go for the surgery, yet delivered safely.
Now, I was at home one day when a friend of blessed memory came to visit. He broke the news to me and said the faith of the guy in question had seen him through. I remember saying they called it faith because the outcome was consistent with the expectation. Otherwise, he would have been called stupid and obstinate. In fact, some would have gone as far as accusing him of killing his wife by omission if she had died. For me, it was simply not the right decision, irrespective of the outcome.
We often hear the typical Gate man to General Manager or grass to grace stories and you hear everybody claiming to “key into it”, without asking what level of work (education) the gate man had put-in in the past to prepare him for the opportunity and how long it took him to become GM. Rarely will any company make one a GM from the position of a security man just based on paper qualifications. The proper sequence will be to employ him and give him accelerated promotion based on his performance – if he performs. The whole story may have been a fifteen year saga but summarized as “gateman to GM” using the end points. Also, people pray to pass exams without putting in the appropriate amount of work to prepare for the exams. This is blind faith and not different from having faith in some tree, or piece of rock as being God or creator of the universe. It appears that people bring up faith when they want to get both intellectually and physically lazy.
Our ancestors worshipped Ogun, Sango, Amadioha, etc. However, when they were presented with the concept of an invisible almighty God, they must have reasoned that the creator cannot be some manmade carved stone, wood or iron hence, they accepted. I must admit that many times the conversion was more with a gun rather than the bible. In the few cases cited above just like others, I see intelligent people losing their sense of reasoning or having an increased reluctance to reason when it comes to matters of faith.
In all, I cannot but agree with Mahatma Gandhi that “Faith must be enforced by reason. When faith becomes blind it dies.” In my mind, faith should not be unreasonable even though I agree that it cannot be proved rationally. If for example, one has an accident in which his ear or any other member of his body is cut off, no amount of faith can make the ear or body member leave the ground and be stuck back into place. He needs to go to the hospital to stitch it. If there can be no reasoning when matters of faith arise, how can one perform his fundamental duty as a Christian, go soul winning, become fisher of men? How can you convert someone without reasoning with your proposed convert? Even God Himself invites you to reason with Him in Isaiah 1:18.
We can go on and on but, let me make this brief by adding a final line. Even the bible in Thessalonians asks you to reason. “But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good” 1 Thessalonians 5:21. The final question will then be, how do you examine to determine what is good without reasoning?
January 7th, 2014
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