Saturday 26 December 2015

The Story of Adam and Steve: A Different Perspective

Firstly, I want to state categorically state that I in no way support same sex relationships. I believe it is not the way nature designed our sexualities to interact, even though it appears to be becoming a fad these days. My Christian religion teaches that in the beginning God created a woman for man and not a man for a man – “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”. I also do not know any religion that has been around for a while that openly promotes it, even though we are beginning to see a lot of confusion in the church as they now wed two men or two women. I believe a man is made for a woman and the woman for man- nothing more, nothing less. A lot of us believe this, hence, we are quick to pass judgment on gay couples and quickly distance ourselves. Should this always be the case?
Long ago, I read a book in which a Tibetan doctor admonished people against quick condemnation of same sex couples. He argued that every human being has male and female hormones amongst other genetic material. He then stated like we know today, that the men are primarily driven by testosterone and the women by oestrogen. In other words, you are driven by the hormone that is dominant in you. However, he further argued that sometimes due to genetic accidents (that are getting more common by the day), some people are born with the external characteristics of one sex and the internals of the other. The implication is that, a man born with more of the internal make up of a woman may be attracted to his fellow men sexually without knowing why. This is simply because he is actually a woman. This, in extreme instances may lead to the man developing more feminine features in later life(which has forced some to change sexes in later life recently). He therefore proposed two types of gays. There are those that are born with deep rooted medical conditions and those that learnt the trade. Those who learnt the trade are condemnable in my judgment, but those who are born with conditions deserve our sympathy.  We know the story of the female South African athlete
Also, we hear about transgender people who change their sexes like this little girl who identified herself as a girl from when she started talking, despite being born a boy. You might ask where she learnt to see herself that way at such a tender age.
I had read this while I was still in secondary school and have struggled with it since then. I did not want to listen to any reason to justify what I think is totally anti-nature and anti-christianity. It just didn’t make sense. However, with the preponderance of information on the net and the general ease of disseminating information today, we are more aware of issues and medical conditions which hitherto were unknown. We see transgender people, hermaphrodites and the likes.
I now recently watched a program on discovery, national geographic channel or one of those scientific channels where same sex affiliation was established among animals, including the lion in all his majesty. I then remembered what I had read many years ago and after some deep thought, am tending towards concluding that there are cases where same sex relationships is caused by genuine reasons like genetic accidents or some other reason and not that it is always learnt. Otherwise, we may have to start finding answers to where the animals learnt it from since they are considered incapable of “invention” and just behave as they are wired to by nature or as they are taught. Even if we say some were taught, how come it has been established across so many species of animals and across continents?
So, if you remember or see same sex couples that developed these tendencies in their formative years despite been raised in very normal homes or environments, look more deeply before you pass judgment.
Finally, nobody should use this or similar argument to justify his or her sexual orientation. If you think you have a problem, please seek medical help.
September 28, 2013

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